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Our Mission

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We are a ministry that equips churches to help individuals and families carry the cross of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, infant loss, and infertility.


Together we can restore hope amidst grief.


We aim to create an international network of churches that provide Healing Days and Hope Groups for their congregations and communities.

Life begins at conception, so we should mourn the loss of a baby regardless of gestational stage or how long they were alive on this side of eternity. Acknowledging their loss can be a tremendous source of healing.


We prepare churches to help the bereaved receive healing, then walk through their grief journey ready to overcome trials they may face.


We do not put on these events for churches, we equip them to do so. We train church Ambassadors to run a chapter, putting on Healing Days, running Hope Groups, and advocating for afflicted individuals and families.


This ministry should take place in the local church to foster an environment for these families to be loved and receive ongoing support as they navigate their grief.


Church Ambassadors then hold Healing Days, Hope Groups, and other events in their local communities throughout the year to facilitate healing and reconciliation with God. 

our approach
Working together to renew hope


Restoring Hope

Healing Days

What is a Healing Day and what can you expect when you attend one?

Hope Groups

What is a Hope Group and what can you expect when you attend one?

Ready to embark on your healing journey?

Find a host church near you, contact their August Hope Ambassador, and join the next session.

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